
“Oh, you’re the one that sends me surveys, right?”



You might be most familiar with the Research & Evaluation department and our work on the annual Climate Survey, the High School Exit survey or, if you’re a Next Gen Trailblazer, the Weekly Reflection Surveys, but surveying is actuallyData analysis - I excel at it. only a small part of what our department does. The majority of our time is spent evaluating the impact of district programs and reporting data to leadership and other stakeholders.

To some, all that data reporting might sound pretty dry, but it’s not at all! As a department we grapple with some pretty big ideas: How do we measure and report student growth in learning? How do we prove an intervention is helping students? How do we best communicate the impact technology is having on learning? We have these conversations amongst ourselves every day, but we hope that this can be a space for us to engage in those big conversations with [we hope!] an audience. We’d love to hear your feedback.

Cathy, Marsha, and I will be sharing our thoughts on measuring student growth, learning with technology, and perhaps some other miscellany that bubbles up in our world of Research & Evaluation. Welcome to our share space!

